15 Sep 9/21/2019: Beet The System at FDR
We just got a last minute invitation to play an autumn equinox show at Ferment Drink Repeat (FDR) this Saturday (9/21). It’s their Oktoberfest kickoff party and another band cancelled at the last minute, so who better to fill in than us culinary krautrockers?
Beet The System will start around 7.30pm. There will be free beer brats while they last, pretzel necklace crafting, and a stein holding contest around 9 pm. (Okay, the latter two are just ridiculous, but as a German I get to say that). Between sets FDR will play their polka records (trying to keep a straight face here). You won’t see me in Lederhosen but if you have them (or a dirndl) and like to wear ’em, you have my (and FDR’s) blessing. You may find us digging up some of our German punk tunes just to keep it real. FDR is at 2636 San Bruno Ave in San Francisco, free admission, all ages.